Tuesday 19 November 2013

Three poems

People tread through roads less travelled ,
Rarest of the rarest people !!
Beyond being  mere spectators on the river lane
Some people swim against the streamline !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Against the wind , against the tides,  amidst the whirlpools
Rare among the rarest ,
Beneath the banyan tree of life, they become ,
Symbols of eternal awaiting of a life time
For a lost love that never returns.(Indian epic:Radha for krishna)
People who  sang songs of their  smitten soul
Playing their sitar, with bruised fingers ……………….
Leaving on deserted pavements marks of their bleeding heart and feet ,
In search of love for love’s own sake (Meera for Krishna)
Some yearning for the forbidden fruits of existence (Eve)
They find their own roads through the wings of time.
Since the straight lines never leads any one any where ,
Some find their own journey
Oh my friend , let Monolisa be a man or woman (Michael Angelo)
She smiles as flower of love -Enlightened love for you and me.
Some people tarry on the destinies  un trodden roads
Un parallel , unfamiliar , unique paths of life
Flowing above all sins and serenity – hell and heaven  like a reckless river vast and flooded
They seek  their own way to merge in to the ocean of salvation
Some people …………………………………………..

If  it weren’nt for you
If  it weren’nt  for you
 While fighting the typhoons  and hurricanes of life
I would never have known the mirth of dancing  along with  the splattering  rain drops
 playing with thunder bolts and lightening
 If  it weren’nt  for you
On the pages of my life sketched  black  and white
I would not have painted those  wonderful colours
If  it weren’nt  for you
On the frozen grounds of my survival ,
I would not have basked in the warmth of   such cozy memories
Blazing like firewood near me.
If it weren’t for you ,
I would never have known  that a deep kiss sweetens , saltness  tears bear in them
and that  parting is bitter ,than all bitter realities
If it weren’t for you
After  each death and decaying , I would not have risen like a phoenix
with wings of fire.
If it were’nt for you ,
On  this dark pebbled thorny path of  my life ,
I would not have believed that
God ever existed  as a way , lantern  and  unshaken hope

How  many voyages we had together ,
Me and you .
But still the zeal and zest of journeys remain  with in us like a passion
Me and you , we think like a cup of wine ,the journeys remains unquenched .
Me and you ;
we feel than the miles covered , there is miles ahead , a lot ahead
It was in those travels we realised -
Spaces never existed between us.
That there was no me nor you , but we merged in to a single point .
The very single point of initiation and eternal dissolving.
Parts of a single soul, withered a part by time
Always pining to fulfill , to bind and perish .
At the verge the road ends , we part ,
Only to search each other like the verses of poem that
Compliments , blends
Never letting to rust with ruthless time and age ,
Our hearts hold the fire ,
Welcoming  yet another spring
We fret not in failures ,
Lament not in tempests life unfolds
Not succumbing to any  torments , never fearing the end time tales
Never feeling the loses life  gifted…..
My friend ,my co -traveler until infinity
Sit beside me  ,face to face
In your silent presence  lies my resilence
My strives for existence
In this part of world ,this very time of our co existence ,
Let us perform our roles assigned ………
In your world and my world.
True that no world exists for us that specks of time stolen from
the abundance of  living on …….
Since we have no grief in  our worlds torn apart
Sit beside me
My beloved  who is a vendor such magical colors
I found my colors –in your soul
Let me to paint it…….my vacuum
Blank and hollow, half sketched ,
Unfinished ………………..
We meet again to travel
To each others soul ,
Yet another voyage